Community EMS: Staying safe through the stretch of cold weather

WORCESTER, Mass. – We’re in for some very cold weather this week in Massachusetts but it’s not stopping people from having fun outside; especially when we get some fresh snow.
Snow and a day off from school makes for a great day to learn how to ride a sled or a tube.
“I sit way back here, and I sledded down,” Ryan Murphy said. “And I stop before the trees, so I don’t hit into them.”
Ryan and Adam Murphy are taking a safety first approach to tubing, and have plans in place on how to warm up afterward.
“Hot chocolate I think,” Adam Murphy said. “Hot chocolate and blankets”
Randy Rameau at Community EMS said stretches of cold weather are also a good time to educate the public about staying safe.
“We’re always concerned, especially when we get into this January, February months,” Randy Rameau said. “In Massachusetts, we’re concerned about these extreme cold weather conditions. I’d say mostly with our, you know, our, the very old, very young people with preexisting health care conditions and, of course, our homeless population.”