EdVestors: Mattahunt School wins ‘School on the Move’ awardEdVestors:

Several years ago, Mattahunt Elementary Principal Walter Henderson led a school that wasn’t on the top of anyone’s list. In fact, by 2017, it was closed for repeated poor academic performance reviews.
Today, Henderson accepted a coveted prize on behalf of the Mattahunt, which has been named the ‘School on the Move’ by the non-profit school improvement organization EdVestors. The award comes with a $100,000 prize and positive attention to highlight the school’s increased academic performance and improved attendance.“This is a journey; the Mattahunt story is a journey,” Henderson said during a ceremony announcing the award on Tuesday at the Westin Copley Hotel in Boston. “Nine years ago, the Mattahunt was down and out. We were one of the lowest performing schools in the state. So, you know, that was a setback, but a setback is just a setup for a comeback.”
Read more here: https://www.dotnews.com/2024/mattahunt-school-wins-school-move-award