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STUDENT VOICE: My path to college included an arts internship that infused my life with creativity — and a clerical skill set, too

STUDENT VOICE: My path to college included an arts internship that infused my life with creativity — and a clerical skill set, too

Via the Hechinger Report by Eleasah Whittaker October 24, 2019

I had always envisioned myself becoming a musician one day, but until this summer I’d never realized I could pursue music as a vocation, as opposed to just a passion project. Last spring, I began searching for a summer job, preferably one that paid and, ideally, one in the arts. At the same time, I understood that the probability of finding a paid summer job in the arts, as opposed to a volunteer position, was slim-to-none.

As I explored possibilities, a Boston Private Industry Council career specialist referred me to the Actors’ Shakespeare Project, a Bloomberg Arts Internship (BAI) worksite. For me, the appeal of the BAI program was solely found in the experience at a worksite. This made working as an artist the next step in my exploration of the field, not only for the experience, but also for the access to working professionals. I wanted to learn about the realities of pursuing art as a career and what that would look like from the perspective of people in the business.

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