UniBank: UniBank surprises Worcester business leaders with personalized charity giveaway

At first, it seemed like just another speech from a local executive at the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce’s annual meeting. That was until UniBank chief executive Mike Welch told the roughly 750 attendees in the DCU Center ballroom to look under their coffee cup coasters.
That’s where Welch and his helpers had previously hidden a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a card on which Welch asked the attendees to write their name and favorite local charity. Mail the card to him, he told them, and the bank would give $100 to that charity on their behalf.
“People started cheering,” Welch recalled. “What I did hear most often [afterwards], was ‘Mike, nobody does this.’”
Now, more than two weeks later, the letters are rolling in to UniBank headquarters in Whitinsville, 50 or 60 a day. Welch said he reads each one. He could have told everyone to email their charity of choice to the bank, but it wouldn’t have been the same.