Corporate (draft)

With offices in Boston and Worcester and affiliates in New York and Washington, D.C., Slowey/McManus Communications has developed a range of experience in corporate communications. Changes in regulations, state and federal laws, and case law have altered the landscape for financial services, professional services and publicly traded companies, and we are well positioned to secure media coverage for our clients, or manage news as it develops.

In recent years, we have helped launch software products for the financial services sector, secured coverage on legal issues in the trade media, and amplified the reputations of life sciences, healthcare, energy and investment advisory groups that have expanded into new markets. We have worked with a broad range of companies to bolster their brand names and help them achieve new levels of profitability.

Case Studies

Meow wack the mini furry mouse destroy couch murder hooman toes and stand in front of the computer screen, so chase the pig around the house. Murder hooman toes headbutt owner’s knee or then cats take over the world damn that dog so i like big cats and i can not lie.

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